Hi! Welcome to my blog. For years, I held back from sharing anything online. Perhaps it was procrastination, resistance or I never fully embraced these trends. But as someone who believes in stepping out of the confort zone, I’ve come to realize that continuous evolving and trying new things is key for personal growth. So, late in 2023, I finally set it as a goal and decided to launch my personal blog.
Born and raised in Mexico, I consider myself a global citizen. I’ve lived in 10 cities, across 7 countries and 3 continents. My background is in Finance, which suits my analytical mindset and detailed-oriented nature. I’ve leaned on this expertise to guide my career, constantly seeking new challenges, exploring new places and embracing different cultures. My interests include investing, personal finance, sports (especially football and basebalI), running, fitness, hiking, reading, and travel.
Through this blog, I intend to write about my interests and areas of competence, along with the occasional posts about my experiences or opinions. My main goal is to add value, offer useful insights and share solutions.
I hope you enjoy the blog.